Yehia Ghanem

The Trials of a Caged Man

Tag: Mohamed

Meeting Mohamed: the Children’s War-report Reading Club

After reading about the war in Bosnia, the children wanted to travel there. They just needed my help, they explained.

Egyptian war correspondent Yehia Ghanem continues his series of stories on the wars he has covered and the people he has met along the way. Here he recounts his meeting with a group of Egyptian children who were hoping he would take them to Bosnia with him. Read the rest of the series, Caged, here.

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In Search of their “Exodus” from Tyranny to Freedom

With the coming celebration of Passover, we recall the Jewish exodus from the tyranny they faced of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Sunni Muslims recall a similar exodus, in escaping the tyranny they faced of the Quraish tribe in Mecca. Though these holidays are also celebrated in October, during Yom Kippur and the ‘Day of Ashura’ they have similar meaningful explanations during the feast of Passover.

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